mathematical education, elements of logic, development of linguistic-logical thinking, formation of valuesAbstract
This article addresses the problem of integrating elements of logic into the curriculum of mathematics in general education schools. It presents the history of the origin and teaching of logic, discusses the problem of incorporating elements of logic into school programs and mathematics courses in the educational systems of the Republic of Armenia during pre- and post-independence periods. The educational significance of logical elements is demonstrated in terms of ensuring interdisciplinary connections in mathematics, fostering linguistic-logical thinking among students, ensuring solid comprehension of topics, and eliminating mechanical memorization. The educational potential of teaching logical elements is also highlighted, emphasizing its role in shaping true, moral, aesthetic, national, universal, and other values, drawing on the rich domestic experience of teaching logical elements in the school mathematics curriculum. Additionally, the article examines the opportunities provided by new general education standards to address the problem, identifies the impacts of implemented changes in standards on the development of students' logical thinking, and discusses potential negative consequences for the educational process. From this perspective, the article specifically discusses the apparent relaxation of proof requirements in the mathematics standard, its adverse effects on students' logical thinking, and the formation of argumentation culture.
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