elementary education in mathematics, mathematical literacy, financial literacy, word problems, problems with financial contentAbstract
In the article the concept of «mathematical literacy» is characterized; the essence of the subject, competence and context components of primary school pupils` mathematical literacy is revealed. The importance of problems with financial content in the context component and their directivity on the formation both mathematical and financial literacy of pupils are noted. Modern approaches to the definition of the essence of mathematical and financial literacy are analyzed. The necessity to focus a complex of problems with financial content on the formation of significant components of financial literacy of a person is emphasized. The importance of selecting problems with financial content according to the logic of the cash management process, including managerial functions of planning and control, is noted. It`s concluded that it is practical to use the «reverse» logic in teaching: in the logic of the management process the planning function is considered at first, and further is the control function; and in the logic of the didactic process it is more useful to start with the control function then finish with the planning function. Some examples of problems with financial content, based on the actions for financial spending control and family income and expense planning, are given. The author's educational and methodical complex of problems with financial content is characterized. The approbation experience of the developed complex in the process of primary school pupils education is described.
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