
  • Araks Harutyunyan ASPU


Method, mathematical method, the content of mathematical education, teaching process, mathematical knowledge, mathematical thinking


In this article there were discussed the problems connected with the definitions of the concepts of method , mathematical method . In particular we studied and separated some definitions and commentaries revealing the fact that the concepts of method, methodology, technology, mode are often used as synonyms. We observed that many people speak about mathematical method and about its importance, but still the definition of mathematical method isn’t given. We defined the concept of mathematical method, gave exact examples in order to show the difference between mathematical method and technique. Besides we revealed the role and significance of mathematical method at school mathematics lessons.We clarified and defined the question of the term mathematical method as well. We referred to the lack of interest,occured difficulties and other important questions in the school mathematics learning process.In particular,prompting mathematical knowledge to the foreground,mathematical methods and problems of forming and developing mathematical thinking are neglected. In the result, the pupil’s interest to the mathematical subjects is decreased and faded. Giving prominence to the methodological analysis of the problem solving,we noticed that these problems were formulated by J. Poya. Hereby, it is important to make the method a part of the content of mathematical education and to choose them properly and purposefully.


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