
  • Aleksey Semyonov ASPU
  • Sergey Polikarpov ASPU
  • Tatyana Rudchenko ASPU


Mathematical education, digitization, learners, informatics


The article discusses the prospects for Russian education in the context of the comprehensive digitalization of everyday life. Particular attention is paid to mathematical education. The goals of mathematical education that meet the vital needs of students, the education that could be useful even after graduation, are formulated. Examples of the current best practices of education that correspond to the stated goals are given, and ways for their further development are outlined. Specifically, it is proposed to allow schools to allow teachers to allow children to use digital media; an important element of this is a system for the efficient input of algebraic expressions. It is considered necessary to allow the use of numbers, starting with calculators, at the final certification (Рудченко, Т. А., Семенов, А. Л., 2019). Also in pedagogical universities, teachers should start using digital; each of them must decide for himself in what types of activities this will take place, why in some he refuses to do so, discuss his decisions with colleagues and receive support from the university leadership. It is believed that as a result of the use of digital technologies, all these results will be achieved. Implementation ideas are given, in particular those related to the course, hfzhf,jnfyysv fdnjhfvb Mathematics and Informatics in Primary School (Рудченко, Т. А., Семенов, А. Л., 2019).
This research has been supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) (grant 19-29-14152 – Sergey Polikarpov and Tatiana Rudchenko) and the Interdisciplinary Scientific and Educational School of Moscow University «Brain, Cognitive Systems, Artificial Intelligence» (Alexei Semenov).


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