learning process in mathematics, personal interest, public interest, national interest, state interest, value-oriented teaching of mathematics, humanization of mathematical education, computerization of mathematical educationAbstract
The paper considers possible conflicts of interest of the main educational beneficiaries: the student, society, nation and state in the process of teaching mathematics and ways to overcome them. First it shows the importance of the process of teaching mathematics for each of the mentioned beneficiaries. As the most important educational goals, the following stand out: success for the individual, harmony for society, unity for the nation, power for the state. It shows that there are certain contradictions between the main goals of mathematical education aimed at these beneficiaries, which negatively affect both the implementation of these goals and the effectiveness of educational results. The factors of overcoming the existing contradictions are revealed, among which are: a. combination of knowledge and value, where knowledge-based learning is combined with value-based learning, b. value-oriented teaching of mathematics, when in the process of teaching the teacher refers to the values that arise in the mathematical material and in the environment of its application, where knowledge is also considered as a value, c. humanization of mathematics education, teaching mathematics in a humanistic spirit, d. informatization of mathematical education, wide involvement of ICT tools in the process of teaching abstract mathematics material.
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